Thursday, May 1, 2014

Can You Change?

In order to change, I believe we need to work from the inside out. We need to understand more of how our complex mind and body work and most importantly how they work together.

Resistance Brain
When the resistance brain is faced with a challenge, it automatically starts the dialogue that goes something like this:
  • "I'm not feeling this."
  • "Why bother?"
  • "I'm trying to get it perfect."
  • "I've always been like this."
  • "If I change, what will I have to give up?"
The resistance brain ends up quitting because it has not so good feelings of 
  • feeling stuck
  • feelings of boredom
  • feelings of playing it safe - staying in our comfort zone

Pleasure Brain
When the pleasure brain is faced with resistance it's more pleasurable and sounds something like this:

  • "I see this as an opportunity."
  • "I love to learn and grow."
  • "I'm confident this will work or I will find a way."
  • "I didn't think of that."
This mindset and pleasure brain seeks growth, confidence and adventure.  If you can look at any challenge you face using the tips of the pleasure brain, the task might not be so daunting. 

Now, I'd love to hear from you. Can you relate to the resistance brain or the pleasure brain? Why?Comment below.

How can the way you think help you choose foods to fuel your health and eating from cause? Find out more at my next workshop - Sick Body. Healthy Body. We will discuss making food choices that fuel your health, leaving you with sustainable energy, weight loss and mental clarity and focus. We will teach you how to cleanse your conscience meaning what language are you using when it comes to making choices. Are you stuck in the "resistance brain"? Will this choice give me indigestion and heartburn? Why do I keep making this same mistake?

You can register here -
Sheila Petersen
Health & Lifestyle Coach

Monday, April 21, 2014

Not Getting Results? Excuses That Keep You Stuck.

Man: "I leave before the kids get up and I get home just in time to tuck them in." (Sound familiar?)

Man: "I need to lose weight, but I don't like fruits and vegetables."  (Sound familiar?)

Sheila: "Would you drink a smoothie so that you could incorporate more nutrients in one drink or sneak in ingredients your not fond of to accommodate your busy schedule?"

Man: "Yes."

Sheila: "So then, you do like fruits and vegetables, blended and not necessarily whole?"

Man: Head Tilt "Well, yah, I guess I do."

As an ex-corporate American, I know first hand how difficult it can be to work in an environment that is not conducive to leading a healthy lifestyle. I know how frustrating it can be to have to go out of your way to find something healthy to eat for lunch on-the-go. You don't have time to eat breakfast, let alone pack a healthy lunch. You eventually throw in the towel and cave to eating lunch meat sandwiches, what you consider a healthy salad or worse, fake food.

We all have patterns and habits or excuses that keep us stuck. Most of us know that we should eat well, get exercise, stay hydrated and get good sleep, yet we don't apply it. Therefore, this information is suppressed and put to the back burner until pain sets in or a diagnosis is delivered. Which would feel better? Taking a proactive approach to your wellness or trying to play catch up?

On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the highest, how important is your health - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually?

I would love to hear from you. Please contact me today to schedule a complimentary consultation for the month of May. I'll help you get back on track fast - upgrading to a happier, better feeling and more successful you, guaranteed.

OR Join me in person on Wednesday, April 23 at 7:00pm CST as we discuss The Mental, Emotional and Physical Science of Running a Business. Don't have a business? These systems will also apply to your everyday life. If your answer above was under a 5, this workshop is for you.

Register by clicking this link:

Sheila Petersen
Health & Lifestyle Coach

Monday, March 31, 2014

Stop Counting Calories and Ditch Your Scale

I don't count calories. I don't own a scale. Matter of fact, I haven't owned a scale in 15 years. I realize this may come as a shock to you.

Imagine for a moment not knowing what you weigh. Close your eyes. How do you feel in your body? How do you feel in your clothes? If you don't feel good in your body or in your clothes you have several options. You could buy bigger clothes. You could create a plan to begin moving your body by walking, cycling or practicing yoga. You could begin eating whole foods, stop counting calories and stop weighing yourself every day.

Try these helpful tips:

  • Shift your habit of counting calories to asking yourself "where am I going to get my water, berries, greens and quality protein from today?"
  • If your favorite clothing feels tight, switch to comfortable clothes and start walking. 
  • Donate your scale and shift your focus from a number to a feeling.
When you focus on counting calories to maintain or lose weight, your mind focuses on deprivation. You begin justifying what you can and can't eat. You don't eat breakfast because you think by not eating, you will lose weight. This is simply not true. Depriving your body of nutrients is not the answer to weight loss. Supplying your body with whole foods is.

When you focus on the number that appears on your scale, what are you hoping to see? How does the number make you feel? Does it nudge you into action and on your way to the gym or does it send you to the refrigerator to binge? 

Calorie counting and focusing on the scale do not bring results. 
When you understand the mind body connection, meaning getting in touch with how you feel once you incorporate whole foods into your way of eating and an exercise plan, counting calories and stepping on the scale will become a thing of the past. Focus on the present and make daily, healthy choices that will allow you to experience weight loss in your very near future.

Now, I'd love to hear from you. Are you looking to lose weight? Do you own a scale? Do you count calories? Why?

Health & Lifestyle Coach

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Why I Stopped My Three Day Juice Cleanse After Thirty Six Hours

What happens when a lover of all things qualitarian, specifically food and drink, decides to go on a three day juice cleanse? Deprivation, thoughts, justifications and noticing the feelings of the experience.

First, what does it mean to be a qualitarian? It means that you choose to be the gatekeeper for what goes into your body. That you don't feel deprived but rather empowered. You get to know the whole story before you buy and certainly before you eat. 

I don't believe in depriving the body of the fuel it needs to run at maximum efficiency. However, there are circumstances where I do think a cleanse is beneficial. 
  • If you are experiencing pain in your body and you are interested in removing ingredients from your diet to determine what may be contributing to your pain. 
  • If you are looking to get off prescription medications with the help of your physician you may give this a try. 
  • In my experience, if you find yourself wanting a mental or physical challenge, a cleanse will not disappoint.

Why did I do it?
  • It's spring - which is a great time to rid the body and mind of toxins.
  • I wanted to rid my body of inflammation.
  • I wanted more energy.
  • Bottom line, I wanted to see if I could do it.
The Beginning
A week went by and I told myself that I would begin the following week. I had to prepare my mind and body to not "walk my talk". This was no easy task. I had to mentally prepare to give up my frothy, buttery, oily, coffee-like latte in the morning. See the to read more. I had to leave behind my low sugar fruit snacks and smoothies. And I had to postpone my date with manchego and my love for merlot. I was ready.

I began by removing dairy, caffeine, sugar and alcohol the week prior. If I'm honest with myself, I didn't completely remove all of those things, but I tried my best. I wasn't so concerned with the coffee, the sugar or the dairy, it was the alcohol. From my years in a corporate environment, it became a habit to have a drink or two at the end of my workday as a way for me to unwind and relax. I'm sure you can relate. It's still the way I like to wrap up my day. Nothing excessive, but still. I was ready.

The Middle
Day 1 - I woke up refreshed and didn't mind that I couldn't have coffee. I was excited. I started my day by drinking 2 glasses of hot lemon water, followed by a carrot/apple/lemon juice. I love my Breville juicer. Click here to see and purchase this beauty. I had a meeting at 10am at Starbucks, where I happily sipped water as I was surrounded by the delicious smell and sounds of coffee. Torture? Not yet. I was fine. I made my way to the chiropractor around lunch time when I caught a whiff of french fries and hamburgers. I rarely consume these foods, but today they smelled especially good. I made it through the day after a necessary trip to Stanley's market for produce. I don't recommend going to the grocery store during a cleanse, but Stanley's produce worked out just fine. I must admit I made it through the day just fun, until I caved at 9:30pm and snacked on a few raw macadamia nuts. 

Day 2 - By this point, I had experienced major headaches due to withdrawal from dairy, caffeine, sugar and alcohol. This is normal. In trying to stay positive, I blessed each painful moment bidding farewell to the toxins that had found a home in my body. Goodbye inflammation. Goodbye sugar. Goodbye caffeine. Goodbye alcohol. But at thirty-six hours in, I wanted food. I literally opened the refrigerator door and stared at what was possible. I saw healthy food and baggies of filled with washed and prepped produce for juices. I no longer wanted a juice, a smoothie, water, coconut water or herbal tea. I wanted substance. I wanted to chew something. Almonds. Anything. I wanted to bite down and sink my teeth into something so qualitarian and delicious as if I had experienced it for the first time. I was craving for the first time in a very long time. I was in bitch mode. I was depriving myself. The very thing I teach people not to do.

Day 3 - I gave in. I could have told you that I was doing a 36 hour cleanse. That would be a lie. I confess that I made it 36 hours and still reaped some benefits. I went to brunch with my baby and we enjoyed the most amazing brunch that never lets us down at Lula Cafe. I enjoyed the most delicious chai tea latte(yes, with dairy and sugar), cherry almond kringle, a few bites of a pancake, and a savory egg with farro dish. I didn't stop there. And if you've been to Lula, you know what I'm talking about. It's quite hard to pass up local, organic food made with love. Later that night, I had a few slices of manchego cheese and an imperial stout while I finished a long awaited knitting project. I admit, I can't deprive myself with all things qualitarian. Will I do a cleanse again? Probably. Will I prepare better next time, I hope so. Will I go longer than 36 hours? One never knows.

The End
Overall, I lost a few pounds. How many? I don't know. I don't own a scale and don't recommend you do either. I can feel it in the way my clothes feel. I removed toxins, I have a boatload of energy, better sleep and a clear path for what's next. I've noticed that the pain I had in my sacrum has nearly disappeared.

It was a short run, juice cleanse. I am grateful for the lessons I learned. That said, I will get back to my qualitarian lifestyle. I leave the lengthy juice cleanses up to those stronger and more willing than I.

Now, I'd love to hear from you. Have you tried a juice cleanse? What was your experience? Which one? How long? What was the most helpful thing you did to keep up your motivation for completing it?

Thanks for reading.
Health & Lifestyle Coach

Monday, March 3, 2014

The Money Talk

What do you believe about money? Why do you believe it? Is it true? Is it good to you, bad to you, neutral to you? Do you get angry about not having enough?

I've learned over the last few years that I didn't really think about money until it wasn't flowing in every 2 weeks as I was used to.

I've learned money is not good, it's not bad, to me it's neutral. But, it still has it's place.

I had to get clear on what the money was for. Why did I feel anxiety about it flowing out more than it was flowing in? I realized for me, the money is to take care of me. To eat well, to feel well, to live well and to never be in the position to say "no"because I don't have the money.

How can you get clear on your money?

Clearing Your Beliefs
First, let go of the idea that money is good or bad. Money is only good if you say it's good and your experience with money has been a good one. Money is only bad if you say so. We place labels on things at a very young age. Think of money as neutral and flowing. Flowing in and flowing out like a figurate, no end and no beginning. Then you can remove the negative energy and make room for positive abundance.

Choosing the Path for Money to Flow
Second, get clear on what the money is for. Is it for travel, education or fun? What amount of money would make you happy? If you said 1 million, why not 10 million? Write down all of the ways you would spend 1 million or 10 million dollars. Stop at nothing. This exercise will allow you to dream big. Who says you can't have a personal chef, a second home or whatever else you desire? You do.

The Money Talk
Finally, most people don't like to talk about money. It's fearful, scary, personal, you name it, I've heard it and I've seen it in action. It's used as excuses and eludes to nothing but problems until you address it head on. Money is not the problem. You are. You have the choice to get clear on your money story, your debt story and create your empowering beliefs around money for a better foundation of living all that you desire. What's stopping you?

Need more support? I love talking about money. Leave a message in the comments below or visit my website at and schedule an appointment today. I will help you get clear around your money story and help you upgrade to a happier, better feeling and more successful you, guaranteed or your money back.


Friday, February 21, 2014

Are you eating #naturalflavors? Think again.

(NaturalNews) What does the term "natural flavors" really mean? Could it be that the term "natural flavors" includes genetically modified, pesticide-laden food? There are also plenty of "food products" on the shelves that read "all natural" on the label, but they still contain large amounts of synthetic, laboratory-concocted food agents, many of which cause diseases and disorders. So how much more confusing can it get to simply shop for food that doesn't kill you slowly?

Exactly who makes the rules about terms put on labels? You better hope it doesn't all fall in the hands of the FDA, the same organization responsible for allowing genetically modified food to exist and be sold completely undercover ever since its inception. And does natural flavoring include the migraine headache monster monosodium glutamate? Also, can "natural flavoring" include bugs that are ground up to turn your food into some "happy" colors that help you celebrate some birthday or big event? One final question: could "natural flavoring" mean the food contains meat, even though it's a vegetarian or vegan product?

Maybe "natural flavoring" means it's not natural at all, instead, some food scientists were paid millions to create un-natural, immune system "crippling" foods, drinks, candies and medicine, just to make some extra money off of your sickness. There's a point where conspiracy theory bleeds over into the real world of unnatural food and medicine, where paranoia of cancer scams and epidemics spill over into actual statistics (United States), the ones which include every other man and every third women in the most "powerful country in the world."

MSG, Aspartame and bugs in your food are all considered "natural flavors" and "natural colors"

Do you know what autolyzed yeast extract really is? It's MSG. Do you know what hydrolyzed soy protein (also MSG) does to your body? Have you thought about eating some beetles lately, or do you only do that when you have cupcakes, popsicles, birthday cake and cough medicine?

Has your doctor discussed with you the fact that your ingestion of artificial sweeteners may be the main cause of your muscle aches, headaches, irritable bowels and even fibromyalgia? Do allopathic doctors, surgeons and oncologists in America have to take even one single class in college on nutrition? No, they don't. What about continuing education to keep up with the latest food toxins? Nope!

Who regulates whether or not something qualifies as a "natural flavor?" Who does inspections at factories and laboratories, or is that left up to the manufacturer, much like the way it's up to vaccine manufacturers to report adverse effects? When the police themselves are crooks, there's no "policing" of the crimes they are committing. In fact, the whole differentiation of GMO & artificial from Natural & Organic has become a murky mess. The line of distinction between foods labeled "all natural" and cancer causing food is not only blurred, it barely exists.

First of all, regulations for the word "natural" only apply to flavors; anywhere else you find it on food packaging means absolutely nothing regarding quality. Secondly, the FDA definition of "natural flavors" and "natural flavoring" allows for the substance to be extracted from plant or animal "matter." So when you buy something that's organic, vegetarian, or vegan, and it has "natural flavoring," you could be eating a pig, cow, turkey, chicken, or lamb which was shot up with growth hormones, fed GMO pesticide-laden corn and grain - probably mixed with other animals of it's same breed, then shot up with antibiotics due to infections and diseases from living in confined quarters on slats covered in feces.

Your enemy wears a friendly mask

Gary Reineccius, a professor in the Department of Food Science & Nutrition at the University of Minnesota has a tricky explanation for all you researchers. He convinces you to think more about the practical difference between "natural flavoring" and artificial flavoring, which is an angle that might make you think he's looking out for your best interest, but then he contends that the "flavorist" creating any artificial flavoring could never achieve the same "desired flavor," and therefore, if a consumer "purchases an apple beverage that contains an artificial flavor, he/she will ingest the same primary chemicals that he/she would take in if he/she had chosen a naturally flavored apple beverage. What a complete farce!

Of course, this makes no sense at all, but it's one of those resources out there to throw consumers off track who have the energy and the "gumption" to look up the difference online. Mr. Reineccius, the illustrious professor, goes on to tell you more lies. Next he informs you that, "Artificial flavorings are simpler in composition and potentially safer because only safety-tested components are utilized." Really, so where are all the great results from the GMO tests they've run on humans?

MSG is the grim reaper of food additives

Monosodium Glutamate is a neurotoxin that can be legally hidden from you and/or be labeled "natural flavors" in the ingredients list. MSG is not a natural flavor - in fact, it can cause brain lesions, neuro-endocrine disorders, and neurodegenerative disease in humans, but you won't hear any doctors of Western Medicine mentioning that at your next extreme migraine emergency visit. There are more than 25 names for MSG, so sometimes you find it spread out a little, just in case the manufacturer gets "checked out" by anyone other than the FDA.

The FDA does not require that any source of MSG be identified. This means that the FDA code does not require that "constituents" of an ingredient be disclosed to the consumer. Yet in hundreds of studies around the world, scientists are creating obese mice using MSG because it triples the amount of insulin the pancreas creates, causing rats (and perhaps humans) to become obese. This is what the FDA calls natural. There's even a name for the fat rodents that eat this "Natural Flavor" additive: they're called "MSG-Treated Rats."

Not only is MSG scientifically proven to cause obesity, it is an addictive substance. Since its introduction into the American food supply 50 years ago, MSG has been added in larger and larger doses to processed meals, soups, chips, and fast foods. The FDA has set no limits on how much of it can be added to food.

Sources for this article include:

Learn more:

Sunday, February 16, 2014

O is for #Organic

The Dirty Dozen
Packaged and processed foods get many a family through the day. They are convenient and portable, and they stay fresh for a long time (thanks to all those preservatives). The additives put into processed foods to make them look and taste better include unhealthy amounts of salt, fat and sugar – and those are the ones you can pronounce. These additives, however, have a price that may include side effects, food allergies, increased waistlines, decreased absorption of minerals and vitamins, cancer and more.
Below is a list of the 12 most pervasive and detrimental food additives and substances you can eat, in no particular order.

1. Artificial Sweeteners:
Artificial sweeteners are a combination of chemicals that exist to make our foods sweeter without the calories of sugar. Most artificial sweeteners have side effects, and their chemical breakdown in the body can be toxic. In addition, in combination with other food additives like artificial colors, artificial sweeteners can have a much more potent effect on nerve cells. Artificial sweeteners link to over 90 side effects.

2. Refined Sugar:
People in the US consume 150 to 175 pounds of sugar per year. In other words, people are consuming half a cup of sugar a day and most aren’t even aware of it. Due to its insidious nature and the fact that it can be found in virtually all processed foods, unless they say “sugar-free,” we subsist on sugar. High consumption of sugar and the corresponding elevated insulin levels can cause weight gain, bloating, fatigue, arthritis, migraines, lowered immune function, obesity, cavities and cardiovascular disease. It can also disrupt absorption of nutrients, possibly leading to osteoporosis, depression, PMS symptoms and stress.

3. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG):
MSG is an excitotoxin used to bring out the flavor in foods. Excitotoxins are toxins that bind to certain receptors (e.g., certain glutamate receptors). According to Dr. Russell Blaylock, an author and neurosurgeon, excitotoxins can cause sensitive neurons to die. Many people experience a host of other side effects like headaches, itchy skin, dizziness and respiratory, digestive, circulatory and coronary concerns.

4. Artificial Colors:
Artificial colors are synthetic chemicals that do not occur in nature. Most are derived from coal tar and can contain up to 10 parts per million of lead and arsenic and still be generally recognized as safe by the FDA. Artificial colors can cause allergic reactions and hyperactivity and ADD in children, and may contribute to visual and learning disorders or cause nerve damage.

5. BHA and BHT:
BHA and BHT block the process of oil rancidity. These additives seem to affect sleep and appetite, and have been associated with liver and kidney damage, hair loss, behavioral problems, cancer, fetal abnormalities and growth retardation.

6. Sodium Nitrate and Nitrite:
Sodium nitrate and nitrite are preservatives that are added to processed meat products. These compounds transform into cancer-causing agents called nirosamines in the stomach. Noticeable side effects include headaches, nausea, vomiting and dizziness.

7. Caffeine:
Caffeine is an addictive stimulant found in soft drinks, gum, diet pills and pain relievers; it naturally occurs in coffee, cocoa and tea. Caffeine causes calcium to be excreted from the bones, which can lead to osteoporosis and increase infertility.

8. Olestra (Olean):
Olestra is a calorie-free fat substitute used as an ingredient in snacks and chips. Olestra inhibits the
absorption of some vitamins and other nutrients. It can also cause diarrhea and anal leakage.

9. Brominated Vegetable Oil (BVO):
Brominated vegetable oil is used to keep flavor oils in soft drinks in suspension. When consumed, it is stored in fat and over time can accumulate. This additive can lead to reproductive interference and birth defects. It has been banned in 100 countries.

10. Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil:
Partially hydrogenated vegetable oil is made by reacting vegetable oil with hydrogen. When this occurs, the level of polyunsaturated oils (good fat) is reduced and trans fats are created. They are associated with heart disease, breast and colon cancer, atherosclerosis and elevated cholesterol.

11. Pesticides:
Every year more than two billion pounds of pesticides are added to our food supply. That’s about 10 pounds per person per year. Many of the pesticides used throughout the world are carcinogenic. Pesticide accumulation also undermines our ability to resist infectious organisms, may impair fertility and contributes to miscarriages and birth defects.

12. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs):
GMOs are plants or animals that have had their DNA modified. In the US, the majority of the corn, soybean, cotton and canola crops are now genetically modified, and one or more of these can be found in nearly every processed food. GMOs have not been proven to be safe and some studies show GMO’s may decrease immunity to diseases in plants as well as humans, may cause resistance to antibiotics and may have a negative impact on genetic function. Plants that are genetically modified to be resistant to disease, pesticides and insecticides could diminish the need to use these strong chemicals, or adversely, may build up a resistance and therefore require even larger amounts of chemicals than before. It is still too soon to tell: there is no long-term supporting evidence at this time.
Excerpted from a post in the January 2008 issue by Kelly Scotti, and supplemented with information by the Center for Science in the Public Interest chemcuisine.htm

Sheila Petersen - Health & Lifestyle Coach 312.498.2344

Most and Least Contaminated Produce
Many people can’t afford to buy all organic all the time. But you don’t have to buy all organic produce to reduce your risk for chemical contamination. This list from the Environmental Working Group tells you which fruits and vegetables contain the most chemicals and which ones are least contaminated. Use it when shopping to help make the best choices for you and your family – even if you can’t buy entirely organic foods.

12 Most Contaminated / Dirty DozenTM 1. Apples
2. Celery
3. Strawberries
4. Peaches
5. Spinach
6. Nectarines (Imported) 7. Grapes (Imported)
8. Sweet bell peppers
9. Potatoes
10. Blueberries (Domestic) 11. Lettuce
12. Kale / collard greens

15 Least Contaminated / Clean 15TM 1. Onions
2. Corn
3. Pineapples
4. Avocado
5. Asparagus
6. Sweet Peas
7. Mangoes
8. Eggplant
9. Cantaloupe (Domestic) 10. Kiwi
11. Cabbage
12. Watermelon
13. Sweet potatoes
14. Grapefruit
15. Mushrooms

Source: Environmental Working Group,

Sheila Petersen - Health & Lifestyle Coach
page4image13064 312.498.2344 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Six Steps to Empower Yourself Today

Here are six steps you need to take to go from #hopelessness to #self-empowerment:
1. Understand that 'your' thinking creates 'your' world. What you think, you will become. Pay attention to your thoughts. Try to become aware of all of the thoughts floating around in your mind. By being alert to what thoughts you entertain on a daily basis ask yourself is the glass half empty or half full?
2. Talk up your inner voice. Sometimes we have critical inner voices. It doesn't take much to shift our mood and that is a sign that we are out of alignment. To #change that, affirm a positive statement that is opposite to whatever #criticism your sensing from your inner voice. Repeat this #positive statement twenty times to override the #negative statement. Start your day with I am ______________________.  (You fill in the blank.) When you feel off track, remember this intention and repeat until you feel back on track. Happy place.  Happy place.
3. Go within. You need to learn to trust your gut sometimes. Even if you make mistakes, you will learn from them (maybe not right away, but you will) rather than listening to someone else. Wait for it.....ah, personal growth.
4. Find some inspiration. If your friends are negative you will sooner or later buy into their disempowering view of the world (maybe you have already done so). To get your balance back, listen to empowering audiobooks, music or meditation CD's. One of my favorites:
5. Negative, Party of 1.  You become the five people you surround yourself by. The words of other people are so powerful that one short sentence carelessly thrown by your friend can totally destroy your chances to succeed.  Who do you surround yourself by?
6. Skip the tube. TV, newspapers and magazines love to feed your mind with the most horrible information you can find: suicides, unemployment, human cruelty and so on. To make sure you stay in control of where you are headed in life, avoid negative information as much as you can and focus on what you love and on the right actions to achieve your goals.  
Life is a practice.  Cheers to getting started.  Need more support?  Schedule a money back guaranteed appointment at

Saturday, February 1, 2014


Welcome and thank you for taking the time to visit my blog to learn more about lovechange and what you can do to free yourself of that which does not serve you in your mind, in your body and in your soul.

As you may know, I'm Sheila. I'm a Health & Lifestyle Coach and founder of Life I help women upgrade to a happier, better feeling and more successful self in six months guaranteed or your money back.

February is the month for love, or so Hallmark says. That said, I love acronyms and for that last 2 years, I have created an idea using the letters in lovechange to help women understand that sometimes change is the best thing one can experience. Often times change is associated with negativity. It doesn't have to be this way. Sometimes amongst the chaos is our true learning experience which propels us into action and amazing change for the better.

For each day of the month we will focus on things that nourish us in our lives be it the food we find on our plate or off our plate such as money, time management, relationship, career and spirituality.

For the next twenty-eight days, I will post ideas to social media outlets that will help you fall in love with changing something for you, albeit it thoughts, beliefs, patterns and habits that no longer serve you and seeing things from a different perspective. I once heard a quote "people who are positive see opportunity, people who are negative see problems".

Beginning February 1-14, we will focus on mindset techniques, writing exercises and activities you can practice to shift your perception of the mundane and expecting different results. From February 15 -28, we will focus on nutrition tips that will allow your body to be nourished to the gills.

All of this virtual value is absolutely free to you.  Tell your friends, co-workers especially and family members not to miss out on this exciting month of lovechange.  That's not all.  Just for your participating in liking, sharing or commenting on daily posts will give you one entry into winning prizes such as free coaching sessions and my favorite healthy products to help you lose weight, become more positive, have more natural sustainable energy throughout the day, help you sleep better at night and tips on preventing colds and flus.  Are you in?  Contests and drawings will be noted in specific posts.  So check in daily at 1:43pm to be the first to enter. For now, visit my page now and let's start spreading some love together.


Monday, January 20, 2014

3 Reasons to Buy Products to Upgrade Your Life - Life Elemental Store

Products to Upgrade Your Life by Life Elemental will change the way you shop and look ingredient labels to ensure you are using natural products for your skin and body inside and out.

Now you can shop from your very own home through my store on Amazon.  Click here to shop

1.  It's Easy
Be it shampoo, lipstick or chakra balancing spray, I've listed some of my top favorite products because I know that you don't have time to shop around and navigate your way through all of the confusion with the many, many products that are on the market today.

2.  It's Convenient
I remember years ago after I had surgery, I couldn't get out to walk or drive.  I found it super convenient to shop from home.  How many times have you been to Target or Ulta and they are out of your favorite product?  Not Amazon.  No lines, no crowds.  Upgrade to Amazon Prime and you'll have your products in just a few short days.

3.  Trusted Source
People always ask me what products I use from shampoo to salt.  Being a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, I've studied hundreds of dietary theories and nutrition to know that what we put on our body is just as important as what we put into our body.  Did you know that 60% of what you put on your body is absorbed and goes into your bloodstream?  If you are using makeup including parabens and propylene glycol, you may want to consider switching to a more natural company like Tarte or Emminence.

If you don't see something you are looking for and have a question on a particular brand or company, I'd love to hear about it in the comments below.

Well, now you can shop from your very own home through my store on Amazon.  Click here to shop

Do you eat #food or #chemicals.  The supplements I use are from Touchstone Essentials.  Click here to begin learning about how you can get "The Good Inside."  You can visit my site by clicking here

Sheila Petersen helps women upgrade to a happier, better feeling and more successful self in 6 months guaranteed or your money back.  Visit for more details on scheduling your initial consultation today for just $97 - also includes a money back guarantee.  What have you got to lose?


Monday, January 13, 2014

He May As Well Have Said it on a Post-It Note

Remember the Sex and the City episode where Burger breaks up with Carrie on a Post-It note?

I'm Sorry
I Can't
Don't Hate Me

For a refresher, click here. I just watched it again. Great scene!

A similar thing happened to me Saturday only a BIT more serious.

Textee:  is this sheila?

Me:  is this XXXXX?

Textee:  you saved my number?

Me:  no, i'm good with numbers and i remember who this is.

Textee:  i don't have a lot of time, but i wanted to say goodbye. i have an aggressive form of cancer. i don't want to get emotional by talking on the phone.

How has something so personal become so impersonal? 

I would love to hear from you.  Has this ever happened to you?  How did this situation make you feel? What did you do?

Comment in the space below.


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

QUICK FIX Your Time Management

QUICK FIX Your Time Management

Dates: Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Time: 6:30 - 8:00pm
Location: Healing Foundations -- 2112 W. Belmont Avenue / Back Room
This class is specifically designed to upgrade your time management skills.  Organizing, managing and creating boundaries around your time and energy are the key focus.  We will implement better choices for better time well spent on activities at-home and for your business.    


  • Reduce and understand distractions like television, email and social media and how to set the appropriate time for each
  • Accomplish more with mental clarity and focus 
  • Make better choices at-home and work 
  • Arrive to your destination relaxed and stress free 
  • Get clear on your desires and vision of how you would like to spend your time 
  • Easy to use color coding roadmap - quarterly and yearly 
  • Non-negotiable time and boundaries for self care 
  • Install easy to use applications to keep you accountable

Investment:  $45 - Click here to pay.

If you're not into the online scheduling/payment thing, not to worry. I like human connection too. Call me now @ 312.620.0186 and I'll get you all set up and on your way to upgrading your time management so you can live a happier, better feeling and more successful life.


Why I'm Learning How to Write a Book in a Weekend This Weekend

I never could have imagined that becoming a Health Coach would lead me in so many different and challenging directions.

Over the last two years, I've learned a lot about coaching people in the areas of food, money, relationships, time management and career.  

People always ask if I brought the vegetable tray, where I shop, how I manage my time effectively and how I keep relationship drama at bay.  People wonder why I left a 20 year career to become a Health Coach.  People think I don't eat and spend hours at the gym to keep in shape.  Wouldn't you like to know how I keep all of the areas of life in balance?  More importantly, wouldn't you like to know how you can do the same?  Well, now you can.  As soon as I write the book.  Until then, see below on how we can get you started before my book comes out.

Here are my top intentions for learning how to write a book:
  • to become a better writer
  • to better explain who I am, what I do and how I can help you
  • to teach you how to lead a healthy lifestyle everyday no matter what
  • to share what I know now to help you save time and money
  • to help you understand that when your life is imbalanced, you are not at your best
  • people lose or throw away your business card, they don't throw away your book

Here is what I am not trying to achieve:
  • I don't believe I need a best seller in order to create results.
  • I'm not trying to get on the Oprah show.
  • I'm not trying to strike it rich with my book.
  • I'm not trying to be famous.
  • I'm not just trying to sell books.

Now, I'd love to hear from you.  Do you feel imbalanced across food, money, relationship, time management and/or career?  Do you feel like you have something to say and you'd like to write a book but have no idea where to begin?  

I can help you upgrade to a happier, better feeling and more successful you in 6 months guaranteed or your money back.

To schedule a 60-minute consultation with me for $97 visit my website ( now to sign up.  I will leave you with a three step action plan to implement right away - guaranteed or your money back.  

Stay tuned and I can't wait to share my book with you.

Monday, January 6, 2014

#avocado #banana #smoothie

Avocado Banana Smoothie

Is it just me or do you always have a rotten banana and a really ripe avocado on hand?  I know I do.  

So I got to thinking, why not combine them in my gently used Vitamix?  Now you might be thinking, wow - I can't afford a Vitamix.  At $600 a pop, neither could I.  Luckily I was talking to a friend of mine who had a Vitamix that he was no longer using and offered to sell it to me for $75.  Talk about the gift that keeps on giving! 

Skipping breakfast or missing nutrients in your day is not an option.  Luckily, you've landed on my blog and can take advantage of this simple and nutritious smoothie that I created for my sister and I after a morning workout.  I'm happy to share this deliciousness with you.  

This smoothie is perfect for all of you breakfast skippers and on-the-go types.  Isn't that most of us these days?  If you think that skipping breakfast is the first step in losing weight, you are defeating the purpose and causing the opposite effect.  If you think you can't possibly be healthy while on-the-go, you can.  It just takes a small amount of time to plan.  I can help.

2 ripe bananas
1/2 ripe avocado
12 almonds
2 tablespoons, hemp hearts
1 container Dreaming Cow Grass Fed yogurt, plain or vanilla agave
1 container of water (use yogurt container)

Put all ingredients in Vitamix or high speed blender in no particular order.  Blend and serve with a straw.  


Would love to hear your feedback and see photos in the comments below.

"I help you upgrade to a happier, better feeling and more successful you in six months guaranteed or your money back."