Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Why I Stopped My Three Day Juice Cleanse After Thirty Six Hours

What happens when a lover of all things qualitarian, specifically food and drink, decides to go on a three day juice cleanse? Deprivation, thoughts, justifications and noticing the feelings of the experience.

First, what does it mean to be a qualitarian? It means that you choose to be the gatekeeper for what goes into your body. That you don't feel deprived but rather empowered. You get to know the whole story before you buy and certainly before you eat. 

I don't believe in depriving the body of the fuel it needs to run at maximum efficiency. However, there are circumstances where I do think a cleanse is beneficial. 
  • If you are experiencing pain in your body and you are interested in removing ingredients from your diet to determine what may be contributing to your pain. 
  • If you are looking to get off prescription medications with the help of your physician you may give this http://www.rebootwithjoe.com/rebooting/plans/ a try. 
  • In my experience, if you find yourself wanting a mental or physical challenge, a cleanse will not disappoint.

Why did I do it?
  • It's spring - which is a great time to rid the body and mind of toxins.
  • I wanted to rid my body of inflammation.
  • I wanted more energy.
  • Bottom line, I wanted to see if I could do it.
The Beginning
A week went by and I told myself that I would begin the following week. I had to prepare my mind and body to not "walk my talk". This was no easy task. I had to mentally prepare to give up my frothy, buttery, oily, coffee-like latte in the morning. See the www.bulletproofexec.com to read more. I had to leave behind my low sugar fruit snacks and smoothies. And I had to postpone my date with manchego and my love for merlot. I was ready.

I began by removing dairy, caffeine, sugar and alcohol the week prior. If I'm honest with myself, I didn't completely remove all of those things, but I tried my best. I wasn't so concerned with the coffee, the sugar or the dairy, it was the alcohol. From my years in a corporate environment, it became a habit to have a drink or two at the end of my workday as a way for me to unwind and relax. I'm sure you can relate. It's still the way I like to wrap up my day. Nothing excessive, but still. I was ready.

The Middle
Day 1 - I woke up refreshed and didn't mind that I couldn't have coffee. I was excited. I started my day by drinking 2 glasses of hot lemon water, followed by a carrot/apple/lemon juice. I love my Breville juicer. Click here to see and purchase this beauty. I had a meeting at 10am at Starbucks, where I happily sipped water as I was surrounded by the delicious smell and sounds of coffee. Torture? Not yet. I was fine. I made my way to the chiropractor around lunch time when I caught a whiff of french fries and hamburgers. I rarely consume these foods, but today they smelled especially good. I made it through the day after a necessary trip to Stanley's market for produce. I don't recommend going to the grocery store during a cleanse, but Stanley's produce worked out just fine. I must admit I made it through the day just fun, until I caved at 9:30pm and snacked on a few raw macadamia nuts. 

Day 2 - By this point, I had experienced major headaches due to withdrawal from dairy, caffeine, sugar and alcohol. This is normal. In trying to stay positive, I blessed each painful moment bidding farewell to the toxins that had found a home in my body. Goodbye inflammation. Goodbye sugar. Goodbye caffeine. Goodbye alcohol. But at thirty-six hours in, I wanted food. I literally opened the refrigerator door and stared at what was possible. I saw healthy food and baggies of filled with washed and prepped produce for juices. I no longer wanted a juice, a smoothie, water, coconut water or herbal tea. I wanted substance. I wanted to chew something. Almonds. Anything. I wanted to bite down and sink my teeth into something so qualitarian and delicious as if I had experienced it for the first time. I was craving for the first time in a very long time. I was in bitch mode. I was depriving myself. The very thing I teach people not to do.

Day 3 - I gave in. I could have told you that I was doing a 36 hour cleanse. That would be a lie. I confess that I made it 36 hours and still reaped some benefits. I went to brunch with my baby and we enjoyed the most amazing brunch that never lets us down at Lula Cafe. I enjoyed the most delicious chai tea latte(yes, with dairy and sugar), cherry almond kringle, a few bites of a pancake, and a savory egg with farro dish. I didn't stop there. And if you've been to Lula, you know what I'm talking about. It's quite hard to pass up local, organic food made with love. Later that night, I had a few slices of manchego cheese and an imperial stout while I finished a long awaited knitting project. I admit, I can't deprive myself with all things qualitarian. Will I do a cleanse again? Probably. Will I prepare better next time, I hope so. Will I go longer than 36 hours? One never knows.

The End
Overall, I lost a few pounds. How many? I don't know. I don't own a scale and don't recommend you do either. I can feel it in the way my clothes feel. I removed toxins, I have a boatload of energy, better sleep and a clear path for what's next. I've noticed that the pain I had in my sacrum has nearly disappeared.

It was a short run, juice cleanse. I am grateful for the lessons I learned. That said, I will get back to my qualitarian lifestyle. I leave the lengthy juice cleanses up to those stronger and more willing than I.

Now, I'd love to hear from you. Have you tried a juice cleanse? What was your experience? Which one? How long? What was the most helpful thing you did to keep up your motivation for completing it?

Thanks for reading.
Health & Lifestyle Coach

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