Monday, March 31, 2014

Stop Counting Calories and Ditch Your Scale

I don't count calories. I don't own a scale. Matter of fact, I haven't owned a scale in 15 years. I realize this may come as a shock to you.

Imagine for a moment not knowing what you weigh. Close your eyes. How do you feel in your body? How do you feel in your clothes? If you don't feel good in your body or in your clothes you have several options. You could buy bigger clothes. You could create a plan to begin moving your body by walking, cycling or practicing yoga. You could begin eating whole foods, stop counting calories and stop weighing yourself every day.

Try these helpful tips:

  • Shift your habit of counting calories to asking yourself "where am I going to get my water, berries, greens and quality protein from today?"
  • If your favorite clothing feels tight, switch to comfortable clothes and start walking. 
  • Donate your scale and shift your focus from a number to a feeling.
When you focus on counting calories to maintain or lose weight, your mind focuses on deprivation. You begin justifying what you can and can't eat. You don't eat breakfast because you think by not eating, you will lose weight. This is simply not true. Depriving your body of nutrients is not the answer to weight loss. Supplying your body with whole foods is.

When you focus on the number that appears on your scale, what are you hoping to see? How does the number make you feel? Does it nudge you into action and on your way to the gym or does it send you to the refrigerator to binge? 

Calorie counting and focusing on the scale do not bring results. 
When you understand the mind body connection, meaning getting in touch with how you feel once you incorporate whole foods into your way of eating and an exercise plan, counting calories and stepping on the scale will become a thing of the past. Focus on the present and make daily, healthy choices that will allow you to experience weight loss in your very near future.

Now, I'd love to hear from you. Are you looking to lose weight? Do you own a scale? Do you count calories? Why?

Health & Lifestyle Coach

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