Monday, January 20, 2014

3 Reasons to Buy Products to Upgrade Your Life - Life Elemental Store

Products to Upgrade Your Life by Life Elemental will change the way you shop and look ingredient labels to ensure you are using natural products for your skin and body inside and out.

Now you can shop from your very own home through my store on Amazon.  Click here to shop

1.  It's Easy
Be it shampoo, lipstick or chakra balancing spray, I've listed some of my top favorite products because I know that you don't have time to shop around and navigate your way through all of the confusion with the many, many products that are on the market today.

2.  It's Convenient
I remember years ago after I had surgery, I couldn't get out to walk or drive.  I found it super convenient to shop from home.  How many times have you been to Target or Ulta and they are out of your favorite product?  Not Amazon.  No lines, no crowds.  Upgrade to Amazon Prime and you'll have your products in just a few short days.

3.  Trusted Source
People always ask me what products I use from shampoo to salt.  Being a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, I've studied hundreds of dietary theories and nutrition to know that what we put on our body is just as important as what we put into our body.  Did you know that 60% of what you put on your body is absorbed and goes into your bloodstream?  If you are using makeup including parabens and propylene glycol, you may want to consider switching to a more natural company like Tarte or Emminence.

If you don't see something you are looking for and have a question on a particular brand or company, I'd love to hear about it in the comments below.

Well, now you can shop from your very own home through my store on Amazon.  Click here to shop

Do you eat #food or #chemicals.  The supplements I use are from Touchstone Essentials.  Click here to begin learning about how you can get "The Good Inside."  You can visit my site by clicking here

Sheila Petersen helps women upgrade to a happier, better feeling and more successful self in 6 months guaranteed or your money back.  Visit for more details on scheduling your initial consultation today for just $97 - also includes a money back guarantee.  What have you got to lose?


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