Monday, January 13, 2014

He May As Well Have Said it on a Post-It Note

Remember the Sex and the City episode where Burger breaks up with Carrie on a Post-It note?

I'm Sorry
I Can't
Don't Hate Me

For a refresher, click here. I just watched it again. Great scene!

A similar thing happened to me Saturday only a BIT more serious.

Textee:  is this sheila?

Me:  is this XXXXX?

Textee:  you saved my number?

Me:  no, i'm good with numbers and i remember who this is.

Textee:  i don't have a lot of time, but i wanted to say goodbye. i have an aggressive form of cancer. i don't want to get emotional by talking on the phone.

How has something so personal become so impersonal? 

I would love to hear from you.  Has this ever happened to you?  How did this situation make you feel? What did you do?

Comment in the space below.



  1. When did we become so desensitized as a result from posting our lives on every social media platforms that nothing is "in person" worthy or call me??!! This is crazy to send a message of such magnitude thru a text, is that all our human worth has come down to?

  2. It's truly sad that at this very important time when you should surround yourself with love and positivity that people just want to remain isolated. It's such a shame with all of the opportunity and possibility of a solution that people can't see it and shut down and pass ultimately giving up the fight.

  3. Sheila, sorry for the way your Textee's message was received. I thought of you when I saw this article just now: Guess everyone has their own unique communication (or non-communication) style when it comes to dealing with disease.
