Monday, December 2, 2013

'Tis the Season for Sugar

Is sugar toxic? It is when you consider the levels the average American swallows each year—a whopping 130 pounds of added sugars ingested annually. That's about 22 teaspoons a day.  It's the added sugars that are affecting your body in all sorts of strange ways.

Just look at the list of ingredients above (or below) for this holiday frosting.  

Ingredients: Sugar, Partially Hydrogenated Soybean and Cottonseed Oils, Water, Corn Syrup, Corn Starch, Contains 2% or less of: Salt, Artificial Color(Including Yellow 5, Blue 1 and Red 40), Artificial Flavor, Modified Cornstarch, Mono and Diglycerides, Polysorbate 60, Potassium Sorbate and Sodium Benzoate (preservatives), Soy Lethicin, Citric Acid - must I go on for the ingredients in the candy bits?

Not one of these ingredients except the water is beneficial to your health.

Simple Sugar Tip:  Read the ingredient list.  Food colorings cause hyperactivity in children. Processed oils wreak havoc on your digestive system and your arteries.  Last but not least, preservatives - this product expires in 2015.  

Click here to read the 11 Weird Things Sugar is Doing to Your Body.

Now, I'd love to hear from you.  Do you crave sugar and want to get off the sugar roller coaster once and for all?  Was that a yes?  Then please visit my website at and schedule your initial consultation today for just $97.  

I will help you upgrade to a happier, better feeling and more successful you in 2014!!


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Comfort Food Slowing You Down? 4 Steps & 5 Ingredients to Get Back to Feeling Good.

Lymph Salad

4 kale leaves, cut into strips
4 cherry tomatoes, cut in half
1 beet, quartered
3 slices organic rotisserie chicken
4 strawberries, cut in half
Garnish with balsamic vinegar, olive oil and salt and pepper.


Snow on Tuesday, sun and 60 degrees by Sunday.  It's November and I think winter is here.  For some it means chamomile, curry lentil soup and chunky, cozy scarves.  Did I forget a 'c'?  Ahhhhh, yes, comfort food.  Enter pimento mac and cheese, honey butter fried chicken and thai chili cream corn to keep warm.  While these foods are definitely warm and comforting, my body is quickly feeling the effects.  Sometimes we need to go back to our childhood ways of eating to remind us to get back on track and eating whole foods.

So, today I made a cleansing salad for the lymphatic system.  Click here to read more about keeping your pipes clean 'aka' the lymph.  

1.  Add red colored foods to your plate like tomatoes, beets and strawberries.  

2.  Don't forget your greens.  Try kale, collards, arugula or spinach.  Or dice up a mix of all 4 for an extra boost.  All that roughage helps to regulate your digestion and elimination, and keeps your gut clean, by sweeping all the nasties out.  A happy gut is an extremely important element to your overall health, so take care of it! 

3.  Try cutting down on inflammatory foods such as dairy and gluten. See Dr.Weil’s Anti-Inflammatory Food Pyramid to get you started. And make sure you are eating PLENTY of veggies and fruits.  

4.  Choose a high quality protein like chicken, grass fed & grass finished beef or beans.

Sheila Petersen, CHHC, AADP, founded Life Elemental in 2012 and is a Certified Holistic Health & Lifestyle Coach.  

To schedule a 60-minute consultation with me for $97, Click here.  Once I receive your appointment notification, I will send you an invoice.  If you're not into the online scheduling/payment thing, not to worry. I like human connection too.  Call me now @ 312.620.0186 and I'll get you all setup and on your way to upgrading your life.
If you don't walk out of this session with a new understanding of how you can begin to benefit from your Life Upgrade, I will refund your money.  Join with a friend and get half off your initial consultation.  

Monday, November 4, 2013

3 Things You Can Do Now to Prepare for Fall

The leaves are turning vibrant shades of red, purple, yellow, and orange. Cozy sweaters, pumpkin lattes, and Halloween decorations are popping up everywhere. That’s right, it’s October! And October means we are making the transition from the hot, hectic, longer days of summer into the slower, cooler, shorter days of fall.

That feeling is the energy and activity of our surrounding environment, the flora and fauna, as everything transitions from summer, slows down for fall, and prepares for winter.

As humans, and as participants in this cycle of nature, it is also our time to focus inward; shed unwanted and unnecessary items, ideas, and emotions; and sift through and separate out what is truly important in our lives: our friends, our family, our loved ones.

Here are three things you can do now to help transition and prepare for fall:

1) Let Go. Let go of emotions you may be harboring – regret, resentment, guilt, bitterness, or anger. Let go of outdated and tired ideas so your brain has the power to manifest fresh dreams.

2) Do some Fall cleaning. Fill a few bags of clothing no longer needed. Gather extra blankets and comforters to donate to a homeless shelter. Get rid of clutter and make space for useful things and novel ideas.

3) Practice abdominal breathing three times a day. As you inhale, fill your abdomen up like a balloon, expand your ribcage, feel your abdominal muscles stretch. Hold for a second, and then slowly, gently exhale completely, forcing your breathe out at the end. This will further increase your ability to relax and let go.

Once you start letting go, whether it be physical or emotional, you’ll be making room for the truly important things, easing the transition, and embracing the power of Fall. 

Money - Good, Bad or Neutral

Is money good or bad?  What experience have you had with money?  Do you live in fear of money, lack of money or have superstitions around money?

The world of form is backed by your beliefs and filters within you individually and are fueled and propelled by something.  Think back to your childhood and you may recall hearing one or all of these statements.  You could probably fill in the blanks to the following:

Money doesn't grow on _______.
Money is the ______ of all evil.
We just can't keep up with the __________.

I'd like you to think of money in a new way.  What if it was neutral?  When you understand money to be neutral, it's a much better place to be.  Ever notice as humans we like to label everything - be it good or bad, it's a label.  What if you could remove the label and call it for what it is?  Remove the emotion of good or bad and let it flow.  Money is just energy.  It flows in and it flows out. 

Yes, we need money to survive as life's currency to have a home, food and clothing.  But what if you removed all of the beliefs and emotions around money that are no longer serving you?  

Adapting a belief such as this - nothing is personal, nothing is against me - life is unfolding and occurring.  It's the belief that I place upon something, that label, that defines it.

Thanks for reading.

I work with people and their beliefs, patterns and habits around money.  Schedule an initial consultation today and let's map out your money.  Click here to schedule a one-hour consultation with me today!  

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Why Do You Crave Salt?

Cravings for salt can occur when you're used to eating a lot of salty foods and then try to cut back on your salt consumption, simply because your body is used to having a lot of salt. Salt cravings can also be the result of a range of medical conditions, some more serious than others. Here are some of the reasons why you crave salty foods.

Your Body Needs Salt

Your body consists of over 60% water. Salt is one of the electrolytes that helps your body maintain an appropriate balance of fluids.

You need to eat about one teaspoon of salt each day to maintain healthy salt levels in your body. You get much of your daily salt requirement from salty foods. Eating too much salt can lead to high blood pressure. Choose a high quality sea salt like the ones shown above.  Salts come in an array of colors like gray, pink or black.

Common Reasons for Salt Cravings

You may find yourself craving salty foods when you try to cut these foods out of your diet for health reasons. That's because your body is accustomed to salt, and these sorts of salt cravings will go away eventually when you lose the taste for salty foods.

Natural salt contains a number of trace minerals not found in table salt. (Please don't eat table salt.)  If you're craving salt but don't have any additional medical symptoms, your salt cravings could be the result of a trace mineral deficiency. Eating salty foods temporarily relieves cravings of this type, but they come back when your body fails to absorb any trace minerals from the salty foods you eat.

Salt cravings can also be the result of mild dehydration. When you sweat, you lose salt from your body. If you have salt cravings after exercise or after sweating on a hot day, you've probably lost too many electrolytes. Drink kombucha(not Gatorade), or another electrolyte-rich beverage, to replace the electrolytes in your body.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Writing Exercise: Get clear on your desires?

What is the deepest desire for my health?
What will this desire allow me to do in my life?
What do I love?
What challenges have I overcome in my life?
What challenges do I continue to work on?  Where do I need support?
I feel my best when _____________?
3 things I should be doing for my health that I am not currently doing are ____.
Schedule a consultation with me today to chat this out and get in balance.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Are you feeding your own Cancer? Dial in tonight at 7pm CST.

Did you know that we can STOP over 80% of all cancers?  The scientific evidence linking diet and lifestyle to cancer is so compelling that even the American Cancer Institute estimates that more than 33% of cancer related deaths are due to these two factors - diet and lifestyle.
Join me tonight from 7pm-8pm CST as I discuss the following:
  • #1 - We all have cancer cells
  • Salt, Sugar, Fat
  • #2 - Herbs 
  • #3 - Vital Vegetables
  • #4 - Fruits
  • #5 - Grains & Beans
  • #6 - Upgrade Your Oil
  • #7 - Mindfulness through Exercise (Yoga) and Daily Intention Setting & Appreciation 
Get your FREE gift.

If you or someone you know is facing a cancer diagnosis or you are worried about your health, your life, relationships, body or career, then this call is for you.

Conference Dial-in Number (605)475-4700
Passcode 1077332#

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Have YOU Checked in Yourself?

If you live in the land of social media, chances are you've checked in on FourSquare, uploaded to Instagram, posted to Pinterest, liked Facebook and followed Twitter.  In this land of addiction and this goal of staying connected, often times we find ourselves checked out.

If social media isn't your thing, then I'm sure you can agree how quickly times change.  Seasons change.  Relationships change.  The state of our health or our thoughts can change in a matter of just a few minutes, hours or days.

What happens when we are out of alignment or not connected with change?  What is the one story you must hear that forces you to take action towards a better way of life?  Is it the fibrous materials found in chicken nuggets that sway you away from fast food or is it a friend that receives a diagnosis from their doctor that makes you change your ways?

Whatever life brings your way, a change of season or a change in your life is the perfect time to check in with yourself.

How do you go about checking in with yourself?  You can start by finding a comfortable seated (or lay down) position.  Close your eyes.  Play soft, healing music and light an incense or a candle.  (I like to set the mood and anchor the space when I go within.)  You can choose what works best for you.  These are just a few ideas.  Take a few moments to notice your breath and watch as your thoughts flow by.  This is the practice of meditation. 

Meditation is a practice of becoming still (mentally, physically and emotionally).  When we do this we turn within to discover an inner world that is vast and real.* 

Meditation allows us to slow down our habitual thinking so we can begin to see patterns of creation. More importantly, it allows us to tap into the brilliance of life within us.  Right within us is so much inspiration, intuition, power and presence, but we must go within to build a relationship with it.  This is scary for many because the first thing they will see is how messed up their thinking may be.  That's when most people retreat and run for cover.  That's just the initial entry and it calms down pretty quickly if you stay with it, relax, and enjoy the moments of silence.*

Meditation cannot be mastered quickly.  It is a practice that calls us to years of work.  Like going to the gym consistently and seeing results in a few months, this is also true for meditation.  You will experience more energy, peace, freedom of thought and clarity.*

*Excerpt from Bodhi Spiritual Center.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Dairy - Kind Does Matter!

I've been asked lately if dairy is bad for you.  As with anything, it depends what kind of dairy you are eating.  Let's take milk for example.

First, there's conventional dairy.  I believe it's the worst thing you can put in your body.  The average milk contains:
  • 20+ different chemicals and medications
  • 5 types of antibiotics including rBGH which has been linked to an increase risk of cancer by 35%
  • 5 types of steroids and growth hormones

Second, buying organic milk is a step up.  Organic milk has no pesticides, herbicides or hormones.  However, it is highly pasteurized at temperatures of 280 degrees and homogenized.  This damages the enzymes that our body needs.  Also, most cows are grass-fed, but not grass finished.  This means that cows only have to eat a diet that is 30% grass to be labeled as grass-fed.  Other parts of their diet could include corn, grain and antibiotics.  Sneaky ha?

Click here to read more.

I'm looking into Beyond Organic and their kefir drink called Amasai as a viable option to nourish the body with the maximum amount of strains of good bacteria.  Click here to see for yourself. 

I do not represent or sell this product.  However, I have a friend that does.  If you have interest please let me know and I'm happy to connect you.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Just because it's from Trader Joe's ...

Heard this before from your friends or family members?  “Mmm where did you get this from?” and she says, “Don’t worry, it’s from Trader Joe’s, so it’s organic.” The fact that people assume all products from Trader Joe’s are organic or healthy or better than what you would find elsewhere is an alarming misconception.
Just because you buy something from Trader Joe's or Whole Foods does not mean it's healthy, local, organic or good for you.

As companies continue to be under close scrutiny we need to get educated on the ingredients that we put into our bodies.  You can do this by first checking the ingredients list.  High fructose corn syrup, canola oil, msg, but, food colorings and added sugars are just a few of the ingredients that should not be on the list of what you are consuming.  

Your best bet is to purchase things that do not come in packages such as fruits and vegetables.  

To read more on this fascinating topic click here.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Hello Anxiety and Thank You for Stopping By - How I'm Overcoming Anxiety

It's been said to me by some that I always seem to have it all "put together".  As if I have never struggled, been a part of strife or had down days.  It's because of my struggles, strife and down days that have led me to the journey I am on today.  We've all had struggles with some element of our lives, but it doesn't have to be this way.

When I realized there was a higher calling for the work that needed to be done on this planet, I took a leap of faith from a 20-year career.  With any life change comes adjustment.  Big adjustment.  This is the beautiful thing about change.  It's why I love change.  If you accept the challenge, change can keep you outside of your comfort zone, that's where the big lessons are learned.  Emotions, feelings and pain will come up and cause you to lose focus.  The strategic placement in your body should be reason enough to find out why.

Will you let your emotions take you off course?  Will you acknowledge the anxiety, for example, that is present and let it have it's way with you?  Can you be ok with this?  You always have a choice.  You can listen to the negative thoughts and believe them (a belief is a thought that you keep believing) or can you observe the deep, panicky, shallow breath that anxiety brings and say thanks for stopping by but I won't be needing your services today.

Like a screaming child throwing a fit, this deep, panicky, shallow breath shall too evolve.  When so much change is flowing, your ego starts to talk.  "Will I do it right?", "What if it doesn't work?", "What if I do nothing?"

When I encounter a panic attack or wake up to anxiety, I'm certain I am out of alignment.  I tell myself it would feel healthier to me to let this evolve.  To get back into alignment, I practice the following technique:

1.  First, breathe!
2.  Second, relax!
3.  Third, feel it!
4.  Watch it.
5.  Allow it.

It also helps to practice yoga and/or meditation every morning.  After 1 month of this practice, I can now breathe freely, knowing that there will always be contrast and that it feels better to take note without it taking over.  Remember, you control the anxiety.  Don't let it control you.  You've got a higher calling.

"The more you think about it, the more you vibrate like it."
- Excerpt from the book Ask and it is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Farmer's Market Saturday = Buttered Leeks and Radishes Monday

While talking to my friend Chef Jim this week, I realized that I hadn't been to one farmer's market this season.  How sad is that?  I remember going twice a week on Tuesday's and Thursday's downtown.

You can probably guess where I headed this past Saturday - Lincoln Park's Green City Farmer's Market.  For $20 I scored an eggplant, a red pepper, a gorgeous bunch of purple carrots, many interesting looking zucchini and summer squash, a few gorgeous heirloom tomatoes and a leek.

I also found these amazing looking and tasting radishes.  I had never seen such a thing.  Click here to make this delicious side dish this week - Buttered Leeks and Radishes.

One conversation and $20 literally brought me back to creating so much joy for myself last Saturday afternoon.  Thanks Jim.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Are you a 1 or a 5?

When you wake up in the morning, what is the first thing that you do?

Do you check your phone, do you peruse emails, do you answer your phone?  

Do you ever ask yourself what your intention is for the day?

What is your top priority?  Make a list now of the top 5 things that you do every day.  What are they?  Why are they?  Have you made the cut?  I challenge you for the next week to put yourself at the top of your priority list.  Your health, your body and your mind will thank you.

Here are the top 5 things I do first thing every morning for ME!

1.  Awake to a beautiful flower bedside.  This is especially helpful in the Midwest when the sun doesn't want to play.
2.  I journal 3 things I appreciate today.
3.  I read a book for 30 minutes.  I'm currently reading Salt Sugar Fat by Michael Moss
4.  I practice 20 minutes of yoga for free at
5.  Finally, I set an intention for how I want to feel each day.  

Caution:  This practice is contagious!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Top 5 Summer Healthy Munchies

Summer travel is in the works.  If you've been on the road this summer and haven't packed a cooler of healthy meals and snacks, you'll be facing a plethora of mindless eating, fast food and poor digestion.  This means less time for healthy eating and good choices.  Here are my top 5 favorite summer munchies:

1.  Bob's Red Mill Original Whole Grain Natural Granola

  • No fat added
  • Good source of fiber
  • Perfect for cold cereal, over yogurt or right out of the bag
2.  Raw Almonds
  • Good source of fiber
  • Good source of protein
  • Good source of Vitamin E
3.  Cherries
  • Great antioxidant
  • Helps clean the lymphatic system
  • May help reduce arthritis and inflammation
4.  Carrots
  • Good for your teeth
  • Good for your eyes
  • Beta-carotene
5.  Snap peas
  • May help to lower cholesterol
  • 1 cup has as much Vitamin C as an orange
  • Good source of Vitamin K
What are some of your favorite summer munchies?

Monday, June 24, 2013

What's in your Vitamins?

Fast food is to organic food as synthetic sources are to natural sources.  I'm speaking of our food and vitamin supply and their ingredients.

Let's take Vitamin D, for example.  You may have heard by now that our best source of Vitamin D comes from the sun.  Pesticides aside, wouldn't it make sense to obtain Vitamin D through our food by eating fruits and vegetables grown with the sun's help?  Such natural sources of Vitamin D are fish oil, Omega-3's and mushrooms.  Why would we consume Vitamin D from a synthetic source?  I have to believe that it's because we are not aware.  Would you knowingly consume irradiated sheep's wool (lanolin)?  I'm guessing not and neither would I.

Click here to read The Five Problems with Vitamin Supplements.  Don't miss the "What's in your Vitamins? chart.

To learn more about how to obtain "the good inside" visit my website at

Monday, June 17, 2013

The New Lean Cuisine Salad Additions. Helpful or Hurtful?

The New Lean Cuisine Salad Additions.  Helpful or Hurtful?

Here are the bad ingredients I have spotted:

Modified Tapioca starch - anything that says modified is processed and should be avoided.

Natural Flavor - typically this means MSG which is processed and modified and should be avoided.

Carrageenan - causes inflammation and should be avoided.

Soybean Oil, Cottonseed Oil - processed oils and should be avoided.

Corn Syrup - is processed sugar and should be avoided.

Sugar in the vinaigrette - it's added and should be avoided.

Juices from concentrate are sitting in huge tanks for periods of time and are treated with 
chemicals and dyed to maintain color and freshness and should be avoided.

Caramel Color - anything with added colorings should be avoided.

Enriched Flour - anything enriched is highly processed and should be avoided.

oh, and looky there…. Vegetable Oil - you heard on my call how bad for you it is and should be avoided.

What do you think?

Monday, June 3, 2013

Spirituality. Private or Public?

Spirituality means something different to everyone. For some, it's about participating in organized religion: going to church, synagogue, a mosque, etc. For others, it's more personal: Some people get in touch with their spiritual side through private prayer, yoga, meditation, quiet reflection, or even long walks. *

Research shows that even skeptics can't stifle the sense that there is something greater than the concrete world we see. As the brain processes sensory experiences, we naturally look for patterns, and then seek out meaning in those patterns. And the phenomenon known as "cognitive dissonance" shows that once we believe in something, we will try to explain away anything that conflicts with it.
Humans can't help but ask big questions—the instinct seems wired in our minds. *

I opened the gate to my beautiful spirit about two years ago beginning with a daily practice of gratitude, appreciation, journaling, yoga and meditation.  

When you find yourself growing after discovering self help, it's only natural to want to share - especially with the people you feel could really use it.

Sometimes you just really want others to "get" it.  By "get" I mean really seeing, experiencing and feeling this power that is already within you.  Practicing what works for you.

However, as you may have discovered, spreading the word may not always be easy.

There is a right way and a wrong way to spread the word.  I've found the best way is to live it, be it and naturally people will notice there is something positively miraculous going on and they'll want to know your secret.

*Parts of this article are an excerpt from Pyschology Today Magazine.

Monday, May 20, 2013

What is Your Underlying Commitment to Yourself?

For the past four years you've been saying you want to lose twenty pounds, but here you are today not having met that objective.  So you wake up and decide today is the day.  You tell yourself, "I can do it! I'm going to make healthy choices."  You begin the morning by eating a bowl of oatmeal and a slice of whole wheat bread and leave for work feeling empowered.  Then, after eating a beautiful green salad for lunch, you have an urge for something sweet and decide to lean over and take a couple of bites of your best friend's cheesecake.  It's so good that you just can't stop, and like any good friend you help her finish it off.  Then, after a long day, you go for your favorite---a hamburger and fries---for dinner.  You rationalize your choice by saying that you had time only to stop for fast food because you worked late and by God you deserve that burger anyway.  For the moment you feel better.  Guilt eludes you and your rationalization keeps you from looking around to see if there is a deeper cause for this choice. Your excuse for your consistent behavior stops you from unearthing the source of your self-sabotage.  But then while you're getting ready for bed you begin to feel bad about the choices you made.  The burger and fries no longer feel so good, and that moment of bliss turns on you quickly, becoming a source of shame, robbing you of your goals and desires and feeding your resignation.  You go to sleep swearing that tomorrow will be a new day.  You wake up wanting to eat well and stick to your diet, but sometime around 4p.m., after having a healthy breakfast and lunch, you succumb once again to that urge for a little snack.  Then you're off again and the cycle repeats itself.  This is a day in the life of an underlying commitment.  

Is this bad?  Only if you hate yourself for eating badly that day.  It's a disempowering choice if you beat yourself up over it.  It's the most common human struggle.  When you are making choices that lead you further from your goal rather than closer to it, you know that you are operating on top of an underlying commitment.

If this example is familiar to you, I would ask you to become aware of what commitment is present for you when you are eating foods that are not supporting you to reach your goal.  You can do this by asking yourself, "What am I committed to in this moment?"  The only way to stop this battle is to acknowledge what is going on.

(Parts of this story are an excerpt from the book The Right Questions by Debbie Ford)

Friday, May 17, 2013

Bad Fats Be Gone!

Oils and Fats to Avoid:

Vegetable Oils and their fats should be avoided completely. There are much healthier alternatives and there is no reason or need to consume these types of fats. The main culprits to watch out for are:
  • Canola Oil
  • Corn Oil
  • Soybean Oil
  • “Vegetable” oil
  • Peanut Oil
  • Sunflower Oil
  • Safflower Oil
  • Cottonseed Oil
  • Margarine
  • Shortening
  • I Can’t Believe Its Not Butter (You better believe it!)
  • Smart Balance (Not a Smart idea!)
  • Any fake butter or vegetable oils products
There is no nutritional need for these oils and healthy fats can be found in higher amounts and better ratios in many other types of fats. This article has a great breakdown of the Polyunsaturated, Monounsaturated and Saturated content in the above oils.
While it is simple enough to avoid these oils themselves, the tougher challenge is avoiding all the foods they are in. Check out practically any processed food, and you will find at least one of these ingredients, often labeled as “partially hydrogenated corn/soybean/etc oil” or “May contain soybean or canola oil.” These foods in particular often contain one of the above unhealthy oils:
  • Salad Dressings
  • Store Bought Condiments
  • Mayo
  • Chips
  • Artificial Cheeses
  • Store bought nuts and snacks
  • Cookies
  • Crackers
  • Snack Foods
  • Sauces
  • Practically anything sold in the middle aisles of the store
Excerpt from

Good Fat!

Oils and Fats to Use Freely:

There are so many wonderful and healthy fats that are beneficial to the body, so there is no reason to consume the unhealthy ones above. Fats that can be consumed freely for optimal health are:
  • Coconut Oil- Filled with Medium Chain Fatty Acids and Lauric Acid, coconut oil is an all star of the saturated fats. Since the fat composition in cells in the body is largely saturated fat, it is important to get enough of it from healthy sources. Coconut oil does not oxidize easily at high temperatures or go rancid easily, making it a good choice for cooking and baking. It also makes a great natural moisturizer and can be substituted for butter.
  • Meats – Meat, especially red meat, has gotten a bad rap, and unfortunately, the animals we eat have been as mistreated nutritionally as we have. Meats like grassfed beef and free range chicken has a very different nutritional profile than their feedlot counterparts. Grassfed and free range meats have higher nutrient levels, healthy forms of saturated fats and even omega-3s. If possible, consume these forms of meat.
  • Butter- This one food is usually the one people are happiest to start using again. Butter tastes delicious, and pastured grassfed butter is an excellent source of fat soluble vitamins, healthy saturated fat and other nutrients. In contains a compound that Weston A. Price called Activator X, known to improve nutrient absorption and have preventative benefits against disease.
  • Organic Cream- also a good source of healthy saturated fat, organic heavy cream is essentially liquid butter, and is great served whipped on top of fruit, in desserts or in cream based recipes.
  • Olive Oil- High in monounsaturated fats and low in polyunsaturated fats, olive oil is a great oil for salad dressings, homemade mayo,  and cold recipes. It shouldn’t be used for cooking since its high monounsaturated fat content makes it susceptible to oxidation at high temperatures.
  • Palm Oil- Has a high saturated fat content and is also heat stable. Some sources claim that palm oil production often encroaches on the natural habitat of some endangered animals, though sustainable versions can be found. If in doubt, just use coconut oil.
  • Avocados and Avocado Oil- A good source of monounsaturated fats and great on salads or in guacamole. Avocado oil is milk tasting and can be used in salad dressings.
  • Fish- Fish are naturally high in Omega-3 fatty acids and can help improve the Omega-3/Omega-6 balance in the body. Look for sustainable wild caught sources, and stick to small fish like tuna, sardines, salmon, etc to minimize mercury.
  • Eggs- Another all-star in the healthy fats community, eggs are loaded with vitamins, healthy fats and necessary cholesterol. Consume them daily from free range sources.
Excerpt from

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Why Diets Don't Work!

You can’t turn on the TV, drive down the road or go to a party without being confronted with America’s hottest obsession: weight. Diets are a billion-dollar industry; companies spend millions and millions luring you to try the latest diet (low carb, high protein, low fat, no fat, you name it) with promises that this will (finally!) be the solution—your shortcut to a thinner body. Advertising efforts also deeply affect our children, who develop distorted body images and are often on diets as early as nine or 10 years of age.  

Our culture touts diet pills, celebrity workouts, convenience foods and trendy diets to help us achieve our desired weight, but these quick-fix solutions have backfired. America’s populace has reached its highest weight in history. About half of Americans are overweight; one-third are obese. Diets steer us away from our common sense and dip deeply into our pocketbooks while eliciting few, if any, lasting results. Why?

  • Diets don’t work because each person is unique, with different needs based on gender, age, ancestry and lifestyle; how could one diet be right for everyone?
  • Diets don’t work because they are extreme solutions. As in physics, if a pendulum swings to one extreme, it has to swing equally to the other. A diet might work for a short amount of time, but research shows that almost all diets result in a 10-pound gain once off the diet. 
  • Diets don’t work because they are too restrictive. People who fail on diet plans are not flawed or weak. Diets by nature require discipline and restriction at levels that are unsustainable by a healthy human body.
  • Most people are disconnected from why they gain weight and see diet as the only culprit. For example, ignoring or discounting emotions is often the first thing to cause weight imbalances. 
Excerpt from Integrative Nutrition.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Conscious Eating

When you eat with cause, intention and purpose, there are no televisions in front of you.  You are not behind the wheel of a car.  You are not driving.  You are not eating within 1 hour of bedtime.

Eating from cause is simply eating, chewing, tasting and digesting properly.  You want to achieve the maximum number of chews in the bites that you take.  How many can you get?  Make it a fun counting game with kids at your next meal.

1.  Chew your food.
2.  How many chews can you get?
3.  Put your fork down after each bite.
4.  Eat 2-3 hours before bedtime.
5.  Eat with no distractions.

Remember the old saying: “If you eat standing up, death looks over your shoulder.”

Monday, May 6, 2013

Why You Should Attend SBAC's FREE Health & Wellness Expo this Wednesday, May 8th!

Come to the first annual SBAC's FREE Health and Wellness Expo at The Meadows Club - Wednesday, May 8, 2013 from 11AM - 7PM.

See ways to:

  • improve your health within and outside of work
  • improve productivity
  • seminars on the latest studies in health
  • informational booths
  • vendor raffles

Be among the first 150 people in the door to receive your free Corporate Wellness Gift Bag.

Also, be sure to visit my booth (Life Elemental) for a chance to win a 60-minute massage by Gayle Stephens or a $50 Whole Foods gift card.  Winners will be announced by email.

Presented by the Small Business Advocacy Council, this expo is meant for anyone interested in health and wellness, creating a healthy work environment, and those who hold HR roles or are business owners.

Click here to read more.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Your Path. Can You Say 'Yes' to These 3 Questions?

I believe we all have a place and a path in this world.  What are you doing?  Do you love it?

Maybe you are working while going to school.  Maybe you started a new job today.  Maybe you have thoughts that you could never get paid to do what you love.  To begin your journey answer the following three questions to get you on your way:

Your Path:
  • Does it grow you spiritually?
  • Is it the desire of your heart?
  • Is there a need?
If you answered yes to all three questions - Congratulations.  If you answered no to all three questions, I would love the opportunity to talk with you to help you find your path and create a life that you love and that will get you answering yes to all three of these questions.

Monday, April 22, 2013

“30 Days to a Healthier You"

Hello Sunshine!
Spring is here.  The secret to Chicago is not getting through winter: It’s being able to withstand spring.  Lambs springing about, daffodils poking through the ground, delicious new-season produce and sunshine!

Join Sheila Petersen, CHHC, AADP and Joanna Reaves, DC for a fun and informative month of May.  We invite you to join us, Wednesday, May 1, 2013 for “30 Days to a Healthier You".  Discover how to get your mind and body in balance and properly aligned.  Sign up with a friend.  Cleansing loves company.

Cleansing Benefits:

• Improved digestion
• Weight loss (BONUS!)
• Absorb more nutrients
• Better elimination
• Strengthen your body’s defenses
• More mental clarity and focus
• Reduce cravings and food/substance dependencies
• Radiant skin and shiny hair
• Restful nights
• Jump start to a healthier eating plan
• Loads of ENERGY!

Prepare yourself for this important seasonal transition with a gentle cleanse.  Spring is the perfect time to rid your body of toxins.  This is not a juice cleanse, Master Cleanse or some weird fad diet.  You get to eat real, whole food nutrition for the month of May.

What's Included:

• Kickoff Call 
• Protocol - What to Expect
• Shopping Lists
• Calendar 
• 2 - 60 minute group calls
• 2 - 20 minute one-on-one private coaching sessions with Sheila
• Lots of easy to make healthy recipes
• Easy to follow handouts
• 1 - 60 minute Chiropractic Consultation and Exam for the month of May
• …and much more

Questions?  Call Sheila @ 312.498.2344.  Call Joanna @ 507.829.6804
Cleanse begins May 1-31, 2013.
Register by Monday, April 29, 2013.  Click to Pay ->  Cost: $397

Sheila Petersen