Monday, November 4, 2013

Money - Good, Bad or Neutral

Is money good or bad?  What experience have you had with money?  Do you live in fear of money, lack of money or have superstitions around money?

The world of form is backed by your beliefs and filters within you individually and are fueled and propelled by something.  Think back to your childhood and you may recall hearing one or all of these statements.  You could probably fill in the blanks to the following:

Money doesn't grow on _______.
Money is the ______ of all evil.
We just can't keep up with the __________.

I'd like you to think of money in a new way.  What if it was neutral?  When you understand money to be neutral, it's a much better place to be.  Ever notice as humans we like to label everything - be it good or bad, it's a label.  What if you could remove the label and call it for what it is?  Remove the emotion of good or bad and let it flow.  Money is just energy.  It flows in and it flows out. 

Yes, we need money to survive as life's currency to have a home, food and clothing.  But what if you removed all of the beliefs and emotions around money that are no longer serving you?  

Adapting a belief such as this - nothing is personal, nothing is against me - life is unfolding and occurring.  It's the belief that I place upon something, that label, that defines it.

Thanks for reading.

I work with people and their beliefs, patterns and habits around money.  Schedule an initial consultation today and let's map out your money.  Click here to schedule a one-hour consultation with me today!  

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