Monday, August 5, 2013

Hello Anxiety and Thank You for Stopping By - How I'm Overcoming Anxiety

It's been said to me by some that I always seem to have it all "put together".  As if I have never struggled, been a part of strife or had down days.  It's because of my struggles, strife and down days that have led me to the journey I am on today.  We've all had struggles with some element of our lives, but it doesn't have to be this way.

When I realized there was a higher calling for the work that needed to be done on this planet, I took a leap of faith from a 20-year career.  With any life change comes adjustment.  Big adjustment.  This is the beautiful thing about change.  It's why I love change.  If you accept the challenge, change can keep you outside of your comfort zone, that's where the big lessons are learned.  Emotions, feelings and pain will come up and cause you to lose focus.  The strategic placement in your body should be reason enough to find out why.

Will you let your emotions take you off course?  Will you acknowledge the anxiety, for example, that is present and let it have it's way with you?  Can you be ok with this?  You always have a choice.  You can listen to the negative thoughts and believe them (a belief is a thought that you keep believing) or can you observe the deep, panicky, shallow breath that anxiety brings and say thanks for stopping by but I won't be needing your services today.

Like a screaming child throwing a fit, this deep, panicky, shallow breath shall too evolve.  When so much change is flowing, your ego starts to talk.  "Will I do it right?", "What if it doesn't work?", "What if I do nothing?"

When I encounter a panic attack or wake up to anxiety, I'm certain I am out of alignment.  I tell myself it would feel healthier to me to let this evolve.  To get back into alignment, I practice the following technique:

1.  First, breathe!
2.  Second, relax!
3.  Third, feel it!
4.  Watch it.
5.  Allow it.

It also helps to practice yoga and/or meditation every morning.  After 1 month of this practice, I can now breathe freely, knowing that there will always be contrast and that it feels better to take note without it taking over.  Remember, you control the anxiety.  Don't let it control you.  You've got a higher calling.

"The more you think about it, the more you vibrate like it."
- Excerpt from the book Ask and it is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks.

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