Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Have YOU Checked in Yourself?

If you live in the land of social media, chances are you've checked in on FourSquare, uploaded to Instagram, posted to Pinterest, liked Facebook and followed Twitter.  In this land of addiction and this goal of staying connected, often times we find ourselves checked out.

If social media isn't your thing, then I'm sure you can agree how quickly times change.  Seasons change.  Relationships change.  The state of our health or our thoughts can change in a matter of just a few minutes, hours or days.

What happens when we are out of alignment or not connected with change?  What is the one story you must hear that forces you to take action towards a better way of life?  Is it the fibrous materials found in chicken nuggets that sway you away from fast food or is it a friend that receives a diagnosis from their doctor that makes you change your ways?

Whatever life brings your way, a change of season or a change in your life is the perfect time to check in with yourself.

How do you go about checking in with yourself?  You can start by finding a comfortable seated (or lay down) position.  Close your eyes.  Play soft, healing music and light an incense or a candle.  (I like to set the mood and anchor the space when I go within.)  You can choose what works best for you.  These are just a few ideas.  Take a few moments to notice your breath and watch as your thoughts flow by.  This is the practice of meditation. 

Meditation is a practice of becoming still (mentally, physically and emotionally).  When we do this we turn within to discover an inner world that is vast and real.* 

Meditation allows us to slow down our habitual thinking so we can begin to see patterns of creation. More importantly, it allows us to tap into the brilliance of life within us.  Right within us is so much inspiration, intuition, power and presence, but we must go within to build a relationship with it.  This is scary for many because the first thing they will see is how messed up their thinking may be.  That's when most people retreat and run for cover.  That's just the initial entry and it calms down pretty quickly if you stay with it, relax, and enjoy the moments of silence.*

Meditation cannot be mastered quickly.  It is a practice that calls us to years of work.  Like going to the gym consistently and seeing results in a few months, this is also true for meditation.  You will experience more energy, peace, freedom of thought and clarity.*

*Excerpt from Bodhi Spiritual Center.

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