Monday, June 24, 2013

What's in your Vitamins?

Fast food is to organic food as synthetic sources are to natural sources.  I'm speaking of our food and vitamin supply and their ingredients.

Let's take Vitamin D, for example.  You may have heard by now that our best source of Vitamin D comes from the sun.  Pesticides aside, wouldn't it make sense to obtain Vitamin D through our food by eating fruits and vegetables grown with the sun's help?  Such natural sources of Vitamin D are fish oil, Omega-3's and mushrooms.  Why would we consume Vitamin D from a synthetic source?  I have to believe that it's because we are not aware.  Would you knowingly consume irradiated sheep's wool (lanolin)?  I'm guessing not and neither would I.

Click here to read The Five Problems with Vitamin Supplements.  Don't miss the "What's in your Vitamins? chart.

To learn more about how to obtain "the good inside" visit my website at

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