Monday, January 20, 2014

3 Reasons to Buy Products to Upgrade Your Life - Life Elemental Store

Products to Upgrade Your Life by Life Elemental will change the way you shop and look ingredient labels to ensure you are using natural products for your skin and body inside and out.

Now you can shop from your very own home through my store on Amazon.  Click here to shop

1.  It's Easy
Be it shampoo, lipstick or chakra balancing spray, I've listed some of my top favorite products because I know that you don't have time to shop around and navigate your way through all of the confusion with the many, many products that are on the market today.

2.  It's Convenient
I remember years ago after I had surgery, I couldn't get out to walk or drive.  I found it super convenient to shop from home.  How many times have you been to Target or Ulta and they are out of your favorite product?  Not Amazon.  No lines, no crowds.  Upgrade to Amazon Prime and you'll have your products in just a few short days.

3.  Trusted Source
People always ask me what products I use from shampoo to salt.  Being a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, I've studied hundreds of dietary theories and nutrition to know that what we put on our body is just as important as what we put into our body.  Did you know that 60% of what you put on your body is absorbed and goes into your bloodstream?  If you are using makeup including parabens and propylene glycol, you may want to consider switching to a more natural company like Tarte or Emminence.

If you don't see something you are looking for and have a question on a particular brand or company, I'd love to hear about it in the comments below.

Well, now you can shop from your very own home through my store on Amazon.  Click here to shop

Do you eat #food or #chemicals.  The supplements I use are from Touchstone Essentials.  Click here to begin learning about how you can get "The Good Inside."  You can visit my site by clicking here

Sheila Petersen helps women upgrade to a happier, better feeling and more successful self in 6 months guaranteed or your money back.  Visit for more details on scheduling your initial consultation today for just $97 - also includes a money back guarantee.  What have you got to lose?


Monday, January 13, 2014

He May As Well Have Said it on a Post-It Note

Remember the Sex and the City episode where Burger breaks up with Carrie on a Post-It note?

I'm Sorry
I Can't
Don't Hate Me

For a refresher, click here. I just watched it again. Great scene!

A similar thing happened to me Saturday only a BIT more serious.

Textee:  is this sheila?

Me:  is this XXXXX?

Textee:  you saved my number?

Me:  no, i'm good with numbers and i remember who this is.

Textee:  i don't have a lot of time, but i wanted to say goodbye. i have an aggressive form of cancer. i don't want to get emotional by talking on the phone.

How has something so personal become so impersonal? 

I would love to hear from you.  Has this ever happened to you?  How did this situation make you feel? What did you do?

Comment in the space below.


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

QUICK FIX Your Time Management

QUICK FIX Your Time Management

Dates: Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Time: 6:30 - 8:00pm
Location: Healing Foundations -- 2112 W. Belmont Avenue / Back Room
This class is specifically designed to upgrade your time management skills.  Organizing, managing and creating boundaries around your time and energy are the key focus.  We will implement better choices for better time well spent on activities at-home and for your business.    


  • Reduce and understand distractions like television, email and social media and how to set the appropriate time for each
  • Accomplish more with mental clarity and focus 
  • Make better choices at-home and work 
  • Arrive to your destination relaxed and stress free 
  • Get clear on your desires and vision of how you would like to spend your time 
  • Easy to use color coding roadmap - quarterly and yearly 
  • Non-negotiable time and boundaries for self care 
  • Install easy to use applications to keep you accountable

Investment:  $45 - Click here to pay.

If you're not into the online scheduling/payment thing, not to worry. I like human connection too. Call me now @ 312.620.0186 and I'll get you all set up and on your way to upgrading your time management so you can live a happier, better feeling and more successful life.


Why I'm Learning How to Write a Book in a Weekend This Weekend

I never could have imagined that becoming a Health Coach would lead me in so many different and challenging directions.

Over the last two years, I've learned a lot about coaching people in the areas of food, money, relationships, time management and career.  

People always ask if I brought the vegetable tray, where I shop, how I manage my time effectively and how I keep relationship drama at bay.  People wonder why I left a 20 year career to become a Health Coach.  People think I don't eat and spend hours at the gym to keep in shape.  Wouldn't you like to know how I keep all of the areas of life in balance?  More importantly, wouldn't you like to know how you can do the same?  Well, now you can.  As soon as I write the book.  Until then, see below on how we can get you started before my book comes out.

Here are my top intentions for learning how to write a book:
  • to become a better writer
  • to better explain who I am, what I do and how I can help you
  • to teach you how to lead a healthy lifestyle everyday no matter what
  • to share what I know now to help you save time and money
  • to help you understand that when your life is imbalanced, you are not at your best
  • people lose or throw away your business card, they don't throw away your book

Here is what I am not trying to achieve:
  • I don't believe I need a best seller in order to create results.
  • I'm not trying to get on the Oprah show.
  • I'm not trying to strike it rich with my book.
  • I'm not trying to be famous.
  • I'm not just trying to sell books.

Now, I'd love to hear from you.  Do you feel imbalanced across food, money, relationship, time management and/or career?  Do you feel like you have something to say and you'd like to write a book but have no idea where to begin?  

I can help you upgrade to a happier, better feeling and more successful you in 6 months guaranteed or your money back.

To schedule a 60-minute consultation with me for $97 visit my website ( now to sign up.  I will leave you with a three step action plan to implement right away - guaranteed or your money back.  

Stay tuned and I can't wait to share my book with you.

Monday, January 6, 2014

#avocado #banana #smoothie

Avocado Banana Smoothie

Is it just me or do you always have a rotten banana and a really ripe avocado on hand?  I know I do.  

So I got to thinking, why not combine them in my gently used Vitamix?  Now you might be thinking, wow - I can't afford a Vitamix.  At $600 a pop, neither could I.  Luckily I was talking to a friend of mine who had a Vitamix that he was no longer using and offered to sell it to me for $75.  Talk about the gift that keeps on giving! 

Skipping breakfast or missing nutrients in your day is not an option.  Luckily, you've landed on my blog and can take advantage of this simple and nutritious smoothie that I created for my sister and I after a morning workout.  I'm happy to share this deliciousness with you.  

This smoothie is perfect for all of you breakfast skippers and on-the-go types.  Isn't that most of us these days?  If you think that skipping breakfast is the first step in losing weight, you are defeating the purpose and causing the opposite effect.  If you think you can't possibly be healthy while on-the-go, you can.  It just takes a small amount of time to plan.  I can help.

2 ripe bananas
1/2 ripe avocado
12 almonds
2 tablespoons, hemp hearts
1 container Dreaming Cow Grass Fed yogurt, plain or vanilla agave
1 container of water (use yogurt container)

Put all ingredients in Vitamix or high speed blender in no particular order.  Blend and serve with a straw.  


Would love to hear your feedback and see photos in the comments below.

"I help you upgrade to a happier, better feeling and more successful you in six months guaranteed or your money back."