Sunday, March 10, 2013

lovechange with a Nutritional Twist

Each day you will receive an email with various media that will help inspire and motivate you.  Media sources include, but are not limited to: audio files, hand outs and instructions for at-home and on-the-go projects.

How it Works

Creating change in any aspect of your life be it, personal, professional or your relationshipsrequires shifting your mindset. However, if it were that simple everyone would be doing it and everyone would be healthy and happy.  The 14 days to lovechange system is designed to give you the tools you need to help you create a new framework for achieving your goals as it relates to your way of eating.

At any time you can reach out and receive email support.  We encourage you to share on your group's Facebook page and the celebration at the close of the program.
Full immersion and participation will enhance your experience and help you embrace the ever-changing world around you.

FREE Gift and Invitation to Healthy Chocolate Tasting!!

lovechange Testimonial

“I was recently given the opportunity to participate in lovechange, and to be honest I wasn't expecting much from it.  It's not that I doubted Sheila or Jill, it's that I didn't think I had much mindset work to do.  It didn't take many days into lovechange to see how wrong I was!  The exercises all hit me in just the right place at the right time, and they led to some great internal transformations.  I finished the program feeling more confident, less stuck, and ready to embrace some of the changes in my life that I didn't know I had been resisting!” ~ Dawn 

Please visit to sign up.

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