Monday, March 18, 2013

I Love You, But it's No Concern of Yours

What do you stand to lose if you can truly love?  Nothing.  Here's why: 

  1. If your return on investment is to hope you can love someone and they will love you back, you will always risk being hurt.  
  2. You are setting yourself up for dependency.  
  3. When you are attached to an outcome, you're screwed.

When you create happiness from within, you can't go wrong.  You shine your light and let the petals of your spirit open for all the world to see.  If you operated this way, you would see that anything that makes you unhappy is an opportunity for you to rid of these patterns and remove the mental block to become happy.  This feeling you experience is otherwise known as the "love hormone".

When you continuously search for happiness outside yourself it never lasts.  Think of the last time you saw that really cute pair of shoes and thought, "I have to have those".  How long did the happiness last?      This feeling you experience here is known as "dopamine".  A quick rise only to crash.  

I challenge you to make a list of the things you love.  Are you doing them?  

Get back to happy and love yourself first!

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