Friday, March 22, 2013

Our Barriers to Change

1. We Have Our Comfort Zone
This is where things are good enough that we don’t want to spend the time or effort to change them. We can live with what we have.

2. We Have a Fear about the Unknown
We may prefer a less than ideal situation we understand than a new situation that we don’t know enough about. 

3. We May Not Be Aware of All the Changes Around Us and How They Might Affect Us in the Future
We can hold onto what we have for too long out of ignorance. Whatever we don’t know can hold us back and hurt us.
Prepare yourself to handle any change and turn it into something better for your life.
  • Expand your knowledge about yourself, your life, and your world.
  • Build new windows so you can see your world in a new way.
  • Engage in new experiences that further expand your awareness.
  • Keep taking in new information, ideas, and experiences.
All of this will give you perspective to help you see all of your options, move away from the past, and take new forks in the road with more confidence. It shows us why we can’t stay attached to the past or hold back out of fear of the unknown.
While we can’t know what will happen in the future, we do know that the world we are trying to hold onto is changing faster than we realize. Moving into the unknown may be safer than staying with the past.

When you change yourself, the world starts changing with you.

Don Shapiro
 is the author of the book in the making, 
Life Is a Fork in the Road, about how we make choices and use our inner wisdom to guide our life’s journey.  You can read the full article here:

Monday, March 18, 2013

I Love You, But it's No Concern of Yours

What do you stand to lose if you can truly love?  Nothing.  Here's why: 

  1. If your return on investment is to hope you can love someone and they will love you back, you will always risk being hurt.  
  2. You are setting yourself up for dependency.  
  3. When you are attached to an outcome, you're screwed.

When you create happiness from within, you can't go wrong.  You shine your light and let the petals of your spirit open for all the world to see.  If you operated this way, you would see that anything that makes you unhappy is an opportunity for you to rid of these patterns and remove the mental block to become happy.  This feeling you experience is otherwise known as the "love hormone".

When you continuously search for happiness outside yourself it never lasts.  Think of the last time you saw that really cute pair of shoes and thought, "I have to have those".  How long did the happiness last?      This feeling you experience here is known as "dopamine".  A quick rise only to crash.  

I challenge you to make a list of the things you love.  Are you doing them?  

Get back to happy and love yourself first!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Relationships - Going Along or Getting Along?

So many of my friends and family members are experiencing breakups at the moment.  I couldn't help but to write about the mystery of being in a relationship with someone.  Some think it will get better with time.  Will it or are you just fooling yourself?  Are you truly happy?  Are you living your truth?  

I've had my share of bad relationships.  I'm not judging.  I've stayed in relationships too long.  I tried to justify the red flags in my own head.  I lacked communication skills when I didn't feel heard or listened to.  I shut down.  There were times I had to have my mother make decisions for me because I literally could not think straight.

I'll never forget being yelled at for the last time as I lost my breakfast in the kitchen sink.  I'll never forget my best friend informing me that she and others found my boyfriend at the time on multiple dating websites.  I'll never forget what settling was like.  I'll never forget what lacking confidence felt like.  In a strange way, I feel grateful to have experienced these situations.  How would I know otherwise?  That said,  I've promised myself I will never succumb to or engage in any of these feelings or behaviors in a relationship again as long as I live.

It has taken many, many years of learning what works for me when it comes to relationships.  I'm still learning.  Relationships teach us so much.  We should be grateful when people come into our lives to teach us what feels good and well, sometimes not so good.  This is how we learn.  I faced my fear and started anew from the above mentioned times.  I retrained my brain with positive thoughts, daily intentions, supportive friends and family.  I let go of things that were not working for me.  I opened up and tried new things.  I had a vision.  I healed my body and my mind.  I acknowledged toxic relationships and rid of them.  I've grown tremendously.  Only then was I able and ready to enter into a relationship comfortably and excited.  I know who I am and where I stand at all times.  I engage in effective communication.  It's the best place I see to be.  I'm living my best life and I couldn't be happier.

Consider for a moment, the fear of starting over.  Can you face your fear and do it anyway?  What would it look like?  How would it feel to heal yourself and rediscover YOU.  Remember when you laughed, when you smiled, when the weight you felt in your chest was pure love for life and not the negative energy and dead weight of trying to make something work that isn't meant to be?  

You see as much as we would like to believe bypassing effective communication will work, it doesn't.  Going along just to get along is no way to live.  Is it?  Be open and honest with yourself and in your relationship and do what's necessary to get on the same page with your partner or take steps to start the next chapter of your life now!  I can tell you as difficult as it may seem's all worth it in the end. I'm living proof.


Sunday, March 10, 2013

How will I nourish my body with fruit, vegetables, protein and water today?

A new way of thinking is within you.  Beginning tomorrow, ask yourself at home or on-the-go:

How will I nourish my body with fruit today?
How will I nourish my body with vegetables today?
How will I nourish my body with protein today?
How will I ensure I drink enough water today?  

Check in with yourself before each meal to ensure you are getting the proper nutrients and continuing a balanced relationship with food.

I'm on-the-go quite a bit these days.  My water bottle is my best friend.  Staying hydrated with green juices and water is the key to sustainable energy.  I have fruit with me for a late morning or afternoon snack.  I never leave home without homemade energy mixes or almonds in my bag.  Craving healthy chocolate, I've got that too.  These simple tips save time, money and inches on your waistline.  

The Eating Guidelines by Geneen Roth

The Eating Guidelines

1. Eat when you are hungry.

2. Eat sitting down in a calm environment. This does not include the car.

3. Eat without distractions. Distractions include radio, television, newspapers, books, intense or anxiety-producing conversations or music.

4. Eat what your body wants.

5. Eat until you are satisfied. 

6. Eat (with the intention of being) in full view of others.

7. Eat with enjoyment, gusto, and pleasure. 

lovechange with a Nutritional Twist

Each day you will receive an email with various media that will help inspire and motivate you.  Media sources include, but are not limited to: audio files, hand outs and instructions for at-home and on-the-go projects.

How it Works

Creating change in any aspect of your life be it, personal, professional or your relationshipsrequires shifting your mindset. However, if it were that simple everyone would be doing it and everyone would be healthy and happy.  The 14 days to lovechange system is designed to give you the tools you need to help you create a new framework for achieving your goals as it relates to your way of eating.

At any time you can reach out and receive email support.  We encourage you to share on your group's Facebook page and the celebration at the close of the program.
Full immersion and participation will enhance your experience and help you embrace the ever-changing world around you.

FREE Gift and Invitation to Healthy Chocolate Tasting!!

lovechange Testimonial

“I was recently given the opportunity to participate in lovechange, and to be honest I wasn't expecting much from it.  It's not that I doubted Sheila or Jill, it's that I didn't think I had much mindset work to do.  It didn't take many days into lovechange to see how wrong I was!  The exercises all hit me in just the right place at the right time, and they led to some great internal transformations.  I finished the program feeling more confident, less stuck, and ready to embrace some of the changes in my life that I didn't know I had been resisting!” ~ Dawn 

Please visit to sign up.



Creating change in any aspect of your life be it, personal, professional or your relationships requires shifting your mindset. However, if it were that simple everyone would be doing it and everyone would be healthy and happy.  The 14 days to lovechange system is designed to give you the tools you need to help you create a new framework for achieving your goals as it relates to your mindset and outlook.
How it Works

Each day you will receive an email with various media that will help inspire and motivate you.  Media sources include, but are not limited to: audio files, hand outs and instructions for at-home and on-the-go projects.
At any time you can reach out and receive email support.  We encourage you to share on your group's Facebook page and the celebration at the close of the program.
Full immersion and participation will enhance your experience and help you embrace the ever-changing world around you.
lovechange Testimonial
“I was recently given the opportunity to participate in lovechange, and to be honest I wasn't expecting much from it.  It's not that I doubted Sheila or Jill, it's that I didn't think I had much mindset work to do.  It didn't take many days into lovechange to see how wrong I was!  The exercises all hit me in just the right place at the right time, and they led to some great internal transformations.  I finished the program feeling more confident, less stuck, and ready to embrace some of the changes in my life that I didn't know I had been resisting!” ~ Dawn 
$75 one-time charge 
By clicking Buy Now, I hereby authorize Life Elemental to charge the following credit card account or other account as noted below in the amount shown above for 14 days to lovechange.  This payment agreement will be in effect until services have been completed or are ended by request of the client either verbally or in writing.