Monday, July 29, 2013

Farmer's Market Saturday = Buttered Leeks and Radishes Monday

While talking to my friend Chef Jim this week, I realized that I hadn't been to one farmer's market this season.  How sad is that?  I remember going twice a week on Tuesday's and Thursday's downtown.

You can probably guess where I headed this past Saturday - Lincoln Park's Green City Farmer's Market.  For $20 I scored an eggplant, a red pepper, a gorgeous bunch of purple carrots, many interesting looking zucchini and summer squash, a few gorgeous heirloom tomatoes and a leek.

I also found these amazing looking and tasting radishes.  I had never seen such a thing.  Click here to make this delicious side dish this week - Buttered Leeks and Radishes.

One conversation and $20 literally brought me back to creating so much joy for myself last Saturday afternoon.  Thanks Jim.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Are you a 1 or a 5?

When you wake up in the morning, what is the first thing that you do?

Do you check your phone, do you peruse emails, do you answer your phone?  

Do you ever ask yourself what your intention is for the day?

What is your top priority?  Make a list now of the top 5 things that you do every day.  What are they?  Why are they?  Have you made the cut?  I challenge you for the next week to put yourself at the top of your priority list.  Your health, your body and your mind will thank you.

Here are the top 5 things I do first thing every morning for ME!

1.  Awake to a beautiful flower bedside.  This is especially helpful in the Midwest when the sun doesn't want to play.
2.  I journal 3 things I appreciate today.
3.  I read a book for 30 minutes.  I'm currently reading Salt Sugar Fat by Michael Moss
4.  I practice 20 minutes of yoga for free at
5.  Finally, I set an intention for how I want to feel each day.  

Caution:  This practice is contagious!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Top 5 Summer Healthy Munchies

Summer travel is in the works.  If you've been on the road this summer and haven't packed a cooler of healthy meals and snacks, you'll be facing a plethora of mindless eating, fast food and poor digestion.  This means less time for healthy eating and good choices.  Here are my top 5 favorite summer munchies:

1.  Bob's Red Mill Original Whole Grain Natural Granola

  • No fat added
  • Good source of fiber
  • Perfect for cold cereal, over yogurt or right out of the bag
2.  Raw Almonds
  • Good source of fiber
  • Good source of protein
  • Good source of Vitamin E
3.  Cherries
  • Great antioxidant
  • Helps clean the lymphatic system
  • May help reduce arthritis and inflammation
4.  Carrots
  • Good for your teeth
  • Good for your eyes
  • Beta-carotene
5.  Snap peas
  • May help to lower cholesterol
  • 1 cup has as much Vitamin C as an orange
  • Good source of Vitamin K
What are some of your favorite summer munchies?