Monday, June 24, 2013

What's in your Vitamins?

Fast food is to organic food as synthetic sources are to natural sources.  I'm speaking of our food and vitamin supply and their ingredients.

Let's take Vitamin D, for example.  You may have heard by now that our best source of Vitamin D comes from the sun.  Pesticides aside, wouldn't it make sense to obtain Vitamin D through our food by eating fruits and vegetables grown with the sun's help?  Such natural sources of Vitamin D are fish oil, Omega-3's and mushrooms.  Why would we consume Vitamin D from a synthetic source?  I have to believe that it's because we are not aware.  Would you knowingly consume irradiated sheep's wool (lanolin)?  I'm guessing not and neither would I.

Click here to read The Five Problems with Vitamin Supplements.  Don't miss the "What's in your Vitamins? chart.

To learn more about how to obtain "the good inside" visit my website at

Monday, June 17, 2013

The New Lean Cuisine Salad Additions. Helpful or Hurtful?

The New Lean Cuisine Salad Additions.  Helpful or Hurtful?

Here are the bad ingredients I have spotted:

Modified Tapioca starch - anything that says modified is processed and should be avoided.

Natural Flavor - typically this means MSG which is processed and modified and should be avoided.

Carrageenan - causes inflammation and should be avoided.

Soybean Oil, Cottonseed Oil - processed oils and should be avoided.

Corn Syrup - is processed sugar and should be avoided.

Sugar in the vinaigrette - it's added and should be avoided.

Juices from concentrate are sitting in huge tanks for periods of time and are treated with 
chemicals and dyed to maintain color and freshness and should be avoided.

Caramel Color - anything with added colorings should be avoided.

Enriched Flour - anything enriched is highly processed and should be avoided.

oh, and looky there…. Vegetable Oil - you heard on my call how bad for you it is and should be avoided.

What do you think?

Monday, June 3, 2013

Spirituality. Private or Public?

Spirituality means something different to everyone. For some, it's about participating in organized religion: going to church, synagogue, a mosque, etc. For others, it's more personal: Some people get in touch with their spiritual side through private prayer, yoga, meditation, quiet reflection, or even long walks. *

Research shows that even skeptics can't stifle the sense that there is something greater than the concrete world we see. As the brain processes sensory experiences, we naturally look for patterns, and then seek out meaning in those patterns. And the phenomenon known as "cognitive dissonance" shows that once we believe in something, we will try to explain away anything that conflicts with it.
Humans can't help but ask big questions—the instinct seems wired in our minds. *

I opened the gate to my beautiful spirit about two years ago beginning with a daily practice of gratitude, appreciation, journaling, yoga and meditation.  

When you find yourself growing after discovering self help, it's only natural to want to share - especially with the people you feel could really use it.

Sometimes you just really want others to "get" it.  By "get" I mean really seeing, experiencing and feeling this power that is already within you.  Practicing what works for you.

However, as you may have discovered, spreading the word may not always be easy.

There is a right way and a wrong way to spread the word.  I've found the best way is to live it, be it and naturally people will notice there is something positively miraculous going on and they'll want to know your secret.

*Parts of this article are an excerpt from Pyschology Today Magazine.